Holistic Health Therapies
Therapeutic Massage
Clinical Deep Tissue,
Sports Massage, Lymphatic Massage,
Orthopedic Massage, Myofascial Cupping.
Cranial Sacral Therapy. Relaxing Massage
Diet & Lifestyle Coaching
333 Miller Ave #7, Mill Valley CA
(510) 962-8182 Biz

Thank you for your interest in Therapeutic Massage and Yoga Therapies and Diet and Lifestyle Coaching in Mill Valley, California.
We look forward to learning more about you and how we can help you feel better in you body thru Therapeutic Massage including: Clinical Deep Tissue, Sports Massage, Orthopedic Massage, Lymphatic Drainage, Myofacial Cupping, Cranial Sacral as well as Relaxing Massage modalities and Yoga Therapies.
We specialize in working with athletes, injuries, muscle soreness, post surgery, stress management, posture imbalances, and diet and lifestyle Imbalances with almost 20 years experience.
We look forward to working with you !

"Janet provided lymphatic drainage massage for me after plastic surgery. She was really so helpful in relieving the swelling and pressure I was feeling. She was confident and assuring I am grateful for her skill and care during my recovery ". Laura, Mill Valley CA.

"Janet was very helpful taking care of my sports injury. I had a partial torn calf muscle. My physical therapist said it would take 3 months to heal and Janet, with deep tissue knowledge had me healed in 2 1/2 weeks. She’s well versed with massage therapy and can provide remedies for aches & pains in a small or large scale manner. She’s an expert in the right yoga exercises and stretches that provides the best comfort level. She’s definitely someone in the field I would highly recommend. Janet, is also knows about nutrition. A professional in so many ways and her prices are very reasonable. R.M. Mill Valley, CA.

"Janet helped revamp my diet after a recent health scare. She has been amazing, has such a gift and has been so helpful on my healing journey. Thank goodness I found her" ! P.T .

"I have upper back tightness and it was affecting my posture. Janet was amazing. First she did an assessment and massage therapy to understand what was going on. Then she developed a personal yoga routine that has increased my range of motion, eased the tension and improved spine health and posture. She’s a warm, caring and dedicated professional. Highly recommended!" _J,E

" Janet is excellent. I have an injury and she worked on me doing therapeutic Massage for over an hour. She is extremely knowledgeable, professional, personable, informative, and obviously cares about what she does. Plenty of helpful information was provided me. I will see her again next week. John W.

"I am a Doctor of Chiropractor and have been in practice for over 25 years. I own a Chiropractic office in Oakland that treats injuries from motor vehicle accidents, workers compensation and chronic musculoskeletal problems. There are few uncomplicated cases in my office. Janet treated patients doing massage at my office over multiple years and has since become my personal massage therapists who keeps me functioning well (having advanced arthritis) in my job, so she is now one of my providers. Janet's demeanor, caring and attentiveness is certainly a few of the qualities that make her valuable.. We definitely appreciate her skills and her continuing role in my health care". Dr. William Ruch D.C.

"Janet is professional, honest, punctual, reliable, communicative and excellent at what she does. She is interested in working for the good of the patient and is creative in her case management. She has a wealth of information and experience and gives one of the best massages I have ever experienced". Dr. Medel D.C

"Janet was amazing. If you’re on the fence, trust me and just book it. She’s clearly so knowledgeable and experienced about massage and bodywork It’s also immediately apparent she’s very comfortable and confident, which allows you to feel that much more relaxed and able to enjoy the experience. I hope I can see her again soon". Omid T.